Donald Trump, the national front-runner, keeps his big lead in two of the three early states of New Hampshire and South Carolina, but now Texas Sen. Ted Cruz has moved past Trump into a lead of his own in Iowa…
Donald Trump keeps a big lead in New Hampshire, where he continues to draw support across the board from conservatives and moderates, from Republicans and the independents who can participate in that primary. He’s still up about two-to-one over his nearest competitor. And also in New Hampshire as in Iowa, his supporters call themselves firmly decided, with a plurality of 47 percent saying so, well above the overall number of 32 percent across all voters…
Donald Trump stirred controversy lately with calls for a ban on Muslims entering the country, but as these surveys show – along with other state and national polls released elsewhere – that controversy hasn’t hurt his standing and the plan general finds favor among Republican primary voters. Republicans favor the idea of banning Muslims – 77 percent in Iowa — including evangelical voters who also favor it in the same large numbers – 75 percent. More generally, 74 percent of Republican voters also like the idea that Trump “says the things he says.” They feel these things “need to be discussed.”
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