Christians and Muslims do not worship the same god

Yesterday the Internet exploded with the news that Wheaton College in Illinois — known as the “Harvard of Evangelical colleges” — had suspended professor Larycia Hawkins for wearing a headscarf as a gesture of “embodied solidarity” with Muslims. These stories weren’t true. The professor wasn’t suspended for wearing a headscarf but for publicly declaring that Christians and Muslims “worship the same God.” In its statement, Wheaton explained:


The freedom to wear a head scarf as a gesture of care and compassion for individuals in Muslim or other religious communities that may face discrimination or persecution is afforded to Dr. Hawkins as a faculty member of Wheaton College. Yet her recently expressed views, including that Muslims and Christians worship the same God, appear to be in conflict with the College’s Statement of Faith.

Thus, Wheaton continues its long tradition of theological conviction and joins a number of Evangelical schools in making recent statements that would be scandalously impermissible in secular institutions.

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