The Republican primary dropout draft

For this week’s 2016 Slack chat, we introduce a new, fantasy-football-inspired game. As always, the transcript below has been lightly edited.

micah (Micah Cohen, deputy editor for politics): All right, with the last Republican presidential debate of 2015 tonight, we’re approaching a period when the Republican primary should really start to get going — when the field should start to consolidate. So to get a sense for how the dominoes may tumble, we’re going to play “Dropout Draft.” Nate, give us the rules.


natesilver (Nate Silver, editor in chief): Well, this is pretty simple. The rules are this: You get five points if a candidate drops out (or “suspends his campaign”) in December, three points if he does so in January, and one point in February. No points for dropouts after that.

clare.malone (Clare Malone, senior political writer): Is there a monetary incentive to this?

natesilver: Yeah. The winner gets bought a six-pack of beer of his or her choosing, or that godforsaken A&W cream soda stuff Harry drinks if he wins somehow.

Also, you can’t pick Jim Gilmore. Because, really.

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