Why Trump will win

Trump’s fundamental appeal is based on a voter perception that he is not part of the “political class” and that because he is self financing, he is not beholden to any special interest, corporate interests, billionaires, or Washington insiders. Voters believe that Trump could therefore take on a fetid system that they see corrupted by corporate money and highly paid lobbyists.


Unhinged attacks on Trump that reached near hysterical levels this week only reinforce Trump’s status as an outsider as voters increasingly lump big media with big government and big business in their disgust.

America has lacked leadership for so long that when an unscripted uncoached and genuine Donald Trump lays out a blunt prescription for America in a straightforward display of alpha male leadership, voters in unprecedented fashion respond.

I confess to being a Trump partisan. I have wanted Donald Trump to run for President as early as 1988 when I arranged for him to address a Portsmouth, NH Chamber of Commerce luncheon that drew a “yuge” crowd. I served as Chairman of Trump’s Presidential Exploratory Committee in 2000 when Reform party leaders tried to entice Trump into seeking that party’s nomination to oppose George W. Bush and Vice President Al Gore.

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