Is there a line Trump can't cross with Republicans?

House Over­sight and Gov­ern­ment Re­form Chair­man Jason Chaf­fetz also dis­agreed with Trump’s pro­pos­al (“out­right wrong” and “ri­dicu­lous” and “he should know bet­ter”). Chaf­fetz noted that he in­tends to sup­port the ul­ti­mate GOP nom­in­ee, but said that will­ing­ness has its lim­its.


“I sup­pose there are things that people could do that would get me to that point,” Chaf­fetz said. “There is cer­tain egre­gious be­ha­vi­or that really goes over the line.” Asked what go­ing over the line would look like, Chaf­fetz de­clined to go in­to “hy­po­thet­ic­als.”

GOP Rep. John Duncan of Ten­ness­ee said that “I am go­ing to sup­port who­ever is the GOP nom­in­ee.” But he didn’t en­dorse Trump’s call for a sweep­ing ban.

Asked if there’s any­thing Trump could say that would cause him to re­con­sider a will­ing­ness to back Trump should he win the nod, Duncan replied: “I am sure there is maybe something. But so far he is very pop­u­lar in my dis­trict. In fact he came to Knoxville two or three weeks ago and drew one of the biggest crowds that I have ever seen.”

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