But it’s not enough to have a politically correct military — the military has to fight with PC tactics. As I discuss in some depth in this week’s National Review cover story, our draconian rules of engagement don’t simply impair combat effectiveness, they also kill our own men and women in uniform. The Obama administration’s restrictions in the air war against ISIS render our bombing campaign so ineffective that many Iraqis — who’ve seen and experienced the might of American arms — actively believe we’re on the other side.
When these PC tactics fail — as they inevitably will — then the administration uses the resulting humanitarian crisis as an opportunity for virtue-signaling, hectoring Americans into taking in one-third of one percent of the millions of forlorn Syrian refugees even as ISIS is actively seeking to infiltrate and recruit the displaced masses. American vetting has never been foolproof — as the citizens of San Bernardino learned to their immense regret — yet the administration responds to legitimate concerns with its now-trademark haughty displays of moral superiority.
At every turn, one sees an administration putting into practice the theories of far-left academics. The Iran nuclear deal represents almost the perfect expression of the view that America’s national-security problems are America’s fault, and that the answer to conflict is to affirmatively reward our enemies — to bring them within the “community of nations.” Forget the American blood on their hands. Forget Iran’s active support for jihadist terror. Forget American hostages.
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