If the media are mad at Donald, a good percentage of the country is going to automatically stand with the man with the big buildings, personality, temper and, at least for the moment, lead in the GOP race for the presidential nomination.
I spent most of my time with Trump on Tuesday talking about national security issues, about tax provisions and the advisability of a wealth tax, but later that night I was talking with Anderson Cooper and Don Lemon on CNN about — the Jersey City numbers. The media want to try to put Trump in a headlock, but he refuses to tap out. It’s frustrating to the MSM, energizing to the Trump legions.
I pointed out to Cooper and his other guests, Amanda Carpenter and Peter Beinart, the views of a large slice of the American electorate: They hate, hate, hate the media. Did I mention hate? Recall Dustin Hoffman’s Captain Hook re Peter Pan: “I hate, hate, hate Peter Pan.” Well, substitute “MSM” for “Peter Pan” and “Joe down the street” for Captain Hook and you have an insight into Trump’s political strength.
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