ObamaCare's troubles: The stealth issue that could win 2016 for the GOP

There’s a certain logic to this: the aspect of Obamacare that is most prominent in its defects are the exchanges and the subsidized insurance, while the most dramatic increase in coverage has been for the Medicaid eligible population. But an argument that it’s time for Medicaid or Medicare for all depends on a government solution that the country may not be ready for politically.


Once Obamacare launched, it was supposed to be a political boon for Democrats. It was supposed to give them the ability to count on a newly engaged group of Americans who saw the government as providing them significant and helpful subsidies that prevented them from being concerned about their health coverage. Instead, its mismanagement and failure to live up to President Obama’s promises has given Republicans an opportunity they intend to exploit.

So does Hillary Clinton really have the wherewithal, in an era of such distrust for the government to manage anything right, to make the case for a government-run nationwide single-payer system for all? Does she have the boldness to argue that a government which has thoroughly mismanaged Veterans Affairs and struggled to launch a website will manage health care better for the entire population? That seems a heavy lift for an already challenging election year, especially for a candidate more comfortable playing small ball politically.

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