Pro-Kasich Super PAC plans most aggressive anti-Trump campaign yet

John Kasich has attacked Donald Trump relentlessly in debates and now his super PAC is planning to invest $2.5 million in the most aggressive takedown of the poll leader yet – on behalf of an increasingly anxious GOP establishment.


The attack, according to a blueprint shared with POLITICO, will play out over the next two months on radio, TV, mail, and online in New Hampshire. Strategists with the pro-Kasich group, called New Day for America, say the budget for the anti-Trump campaign is likely to grow.

The offensive comes as some in the GOP are beginning to plot how to combat the real-estate mogul and entertainer, who many are convinced would essentially deliver the White House to Democrats if he were the nominee. In launching the effort, the group hopes to position Kasich, who has lagged in the Republican contest and is searching for momentum, as a central Trump antagonist.

“We will be the tip of the spear against Trump,” said Matt David, a spokesman for the super PAC.

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