When it comes to Syrian refugees, Left suddenly comfortable with Holocaust analogies

Way back during the debate over the Iran nuclear deal, there was a lot of manufactured outrage among liberals whenever opponents of the agreement made comparisons to the Holocaust.


Whether it was Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanuahu invoking the Holocaust to criticize the deal, conservatives likening it to the Munich agreement with Adolf Hitler, or Mike Huckabee’s suggestion that the deal would enable a second Holocaust, liberals were up in arms.

But the supposed ban on making Holocaust analogies has suddenly been lifted during the current controversy over whether to let Syrian refugees into the United States. Suddenly, liberals think it’s perfectly okay to liken concerns about letting the refugees in to the refusal to allow Jewish refugees fleeing Nazism into the U.S. during the 1930s.

In a column titled, “Republicans’ xenophobic bidding war,” the Washington Post’s Dana Milbank writes, “This growing cry to turn away people fleeing for their lives brings to mind the SS St. Louis, the ship of Jewish refugees turned away from Florida in 1939.”

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