“I’m part of the mainstream media, but my viewpoint is pretty clear,” Hayes responded. “I think what people don’t like is when they feel that there are biases at work that are unannounced. And I think the mainstream media is biased but not in any partisan way. I think there are certain biases we have.”
“We have bias towards spectacle. We have bias towards someone just blew something up. Let’s go cover that. One hundred thousand people marched for something somewhere else. I don’t know if that’s good television, right?” he asked. “So there is all kind of biases that end up having different expressions along the political spectrum but mostly they’re biases of the form of television.”
Noah then pushed Hayes to answer the question of who he thinks should be dropped form the next GOP debate.
The MSNBC host responded, saying, “Here is what I would say. The United States has never, with the exception of two generals, has never, Grant and Eisenhower, as far as I can tell, I think, has never elected anyone with as little political experience as Donald Trump and Ben Carson currently have and I think there is a reason for that.”
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