Campus totalitarianism driven by the rise of reset culture

What is the name for the particular variety of totalitarian madness that has come over these young Millennial college students at Missouri, Yale, and elsewhere?


Whatever the case in these specific instances, the overall story from these and other institutions over the course of the past several years provides plenty of examples of what happens when a half century of monolithic progressive leadership for institutions metastasizes, creating a level of thought policing more invasive than ever, encroaching on every action and aspect of student life.

There is no place for academic freedom in such a place: there is only the constant tug of war over safe spaces, speech codes, thought crimes, infringement, victimhood, and privilege. The students at the University of Missouri the other day were singing “We shall overcome” and chanting calls for “revolution”. Robby Soave offers the best description of what these students are demanding: a substitute parent.

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