we could train [Syrian refugees] to then go back to their own country and then fight for that country. Doesn’t somebody have to stay in the Middle East and make the Middle East a better place to live?”
Jillian Melchior of National Review told the HBO host many Syrians are in a difficult position because they don’t support Assad, but they also do not like the Islamic State.
“I talked to one Syrian guy, a young guy, and he was basically saying he feels pinched in the middle. He doesn’t support Assad — he’s going to get cracked down on that. He doesn’t like the Islamic State, either. He doesn’t have weapons. He doesn’t have anything to fight with. What’s he going to do?” Melchior asked.
“Find other people to fight with,” Maher responded. “I mean, where are all these moderates I always hear about? They say, ‘Oh, Bill Maher, you’re so hard on the Muslims. What about the moderates?'”
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