How Donald Trump crushed the haters and losers in the publishing world

With its celebrity author currently topping 2016 polls and generating nonstop media attention with his vaudevillian White House bid, the book seems destined for bestseller status. But despite the potential for a publishing bonanza, Crippled America is one of very few new Trump-centric title to have hit the shelves so far this year. One reason? The book industry — like the political press — largely dismissed Trump’s campaign at the outset as a short-lived publicity stunt that would be over before they had time to cash in.


Now that The Donald has proven them wrong, the haters and losers of the professional literati are left kicking themselves.

“I think everybody in political publishing had been burned too many times by [authors] who were at their high when they sold their books and then had fizzled by the time the books came out,” said one editor. “A lot of people thought this was a Michele Bachmann or Herman Cain situation.”

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