JebWorld continues to believe the New York billionaire doesn’t have what it takes for a long, grueling campaign. But if Trump does last, the still-rich Bush Super PAC Right to Rise will have the ability to unleash millions of dollars worth of negative ads to exploit the doubts voters already have about him.
Next Carson. JebWorld believes Republicans are drawn to him because of his natural likeability and because he stands so far outside the political system. But they believe Carson’s support is particularly soft, with 80-plus percent of Carson supporters saying they might eventually vote for someone else. That, plus Carson’s own weaknesses and the heightened scrutiny he will inevitably receive atop the polls, will eventually bring him down.
That leaves Rubio and Ted Cruz, who could emerge as the two leaders after a Trump-Carson fadeout. One good-for-Jeb scenario would be that Rubio and Cruz then engage in an internecine battle so vicious, bitter, and bloody that Republican voters come to believe neither is suited for the presidency.
In that case, Republicans look around and see Carly Fiorina, Chris Christie, Mike Huckabee, John Kasich, Rand Paul, Rick Santorum, Bobby Jindal, and Lindsey Graham — and ask: Now why was it we didn’t like Jeb?
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