Jeb Bush wants to fix something? The first thing he can set out to fix is a governing class that feels contempt for the public they govern. Our government’s cultural disdain for the mere plebes who don’t work for it set up a murder’s row of incompetence, scandal, cover-rups and unaccountability – the $2 billion spent on; 307,000 veterans dying while waiting for care from the VA; the Office of Personnel Management letting hackers get 22 millions personnel record and 5.6 million fingerprint records; an EPA “cleanup” turning a river puke-yellow by spilling 3 million gallons of toxic mine sludge; Benghazi…
The Jeb Bush era in Florida coincided with the tail end of the dot-com boom and a Florida housing boom. He had a strong wind at his back for much of his time in office. Now we’ll see just how he does when the wind is in his face.
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