RNC shakes up staff to calm GOP campaigns’ growing frustrations over debates

Priebus has elevated Sean Cairncross, the chief operating officer of the RNC and its former chief counsel, to be the GOP’s new lead debate negotiator and organizer.


The move effectively gives the debate responsibilities currently held by Sean Spicer, the RNC’s chief strategist and spokesman, to Cairncross. Spicer, a confidant of Priebus, will remain in his role but will work in a supplementary position when it comes to arranging the debates…

“Last week was a debacle and we’re adding Sean, an experienced federal election attorney, to this team because of what happened,” Spicer said in an interview. “He has significant political relationships and will be a huge asset as we seek the best possible format for the candidates. He is going to take the leading role for the debates moving forward.”

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