Our government was built on — and by — the ability to collaborate. In 1787, when delegates at the Constitutional Convention were so divided over the issue of representation that resolution seemed unattainable, an idea was born that would not only solve the problem by creating a House and a Senate — allowing less-populated states equal representation in one house and proportional representation in the other — but would serve as a sustainable model for centuries to follow.
Bipartisanship prevailed and, because of it, so did the greatness of our nation.
Politics are never without conflict, and shouldn’t be. Some of our nation’s greatest ideas have been born through conflict and necessity. Good governing means moving toward resolution together — it’s never been an all-or-nothing approach. And it is this misshapen version of politics that has led us to our current political state: gridlocked, steeped in partisanship, and drowning in problems that should’ve been anticipated — solved even — decades ago.
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