Sorry, "Star Wars" fans, you can't get your childhood back

So what writer-director J.J. Abrams has apparently done, if the trailer is any indication, is essentially to repeat the “Star Wars” story.

In the new trailer, Han Solo (Harrison Ford) is seen affirming that the legends of the Force and the Jedi are true, which means they’ve been lost or forgotten, which is where we were when the first film began.


So the hero, Finn (John Boyega), has to learn about the Force (as in the first film) and learn to handle a light saber (as in the first film). There’s a rebel base in jeopardy, leading to dogfights with rebel ships against imperial TIE fighters, shootouts with those ever-killable Stormtroopers and a climactic “Empire Strikes Back”-style duel with a Darth Vader-like figure, Kylo Ren (Adam Driver), who is seen worshipping at what looks like a Vader shrine.

And because every superhero film these days must have a kickass female figure, the equally important Rey (Daisy Ridley) will be in the mix, doing what heroines usually do in blockbusters today (especially those written, as “The Force Awakens” was, by men), which is to be so tough and invulnerable and unlikely to activate anyone’s feminist tractor beam that they’re boring.

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