Trump: 'I'm going all the way'

“Let me make it a little bit different: I’m not getting out. I’m gonna win, OK? I gave a very honest answer, but the press takes an answer like that and they make it like, oh, there’s a big story, they make headlines out of it. It’s ridiculous,” Trump declared. “The question was: Would you get out? The answer is: I’m going all the way and we’re going to win. It’s a simpler answer and people can’t play around with that. I mean, I watch these politicians — you know they’re getting out in the next two weeks and they say, ‘Oh, I’m never getting out.’ They’re not telling the truth.”


During the segment, which lasted more than 20 minutes, he also defended his wait-and-see approach on Syria regarding Russia’s involvement in the region on Tuesday, insisting that it would not be “trusting Russia.”

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