Hillary backs repeal of ObamaCare's Cadillac tax

Un­til now, Clin­ton has re­peatedly stressed her sup­port for the law, point­ing to its suc­cesses and ad­voc­at­ing for fur­ther im­ple­ment­a­tion, such as Medi­caid ex­pan­sion. In do­ing so, she has planted her­self in the middle of a de­bate that also fea­tures Sen. Bernie Sanders to the left ad­voc­at­ing for a single-pay­er sys­tem and Re­pub­lic­ans to the right who want to re­peal and re­place Obama­care in its en­tirety.


Clin­ton’s an­nounce­ment comes amid a flurry of ac­tion on the Hill to do ex­actly what she has pro­posed. Sev­er­al Sen­ate Demo­crats in­tro­duced a re­peal of the tax last week, and Sens. Dean Heller and Mar­tin Hein­rich had in­tro­duced a bi­par­tis­an re­peal bill earli­er this month.

The Ca­dillac tax is a 40 per­cent ex­cise tax on em­ploy­er-provided health be­ne­fits that ex­ceed a cer­tain threshold. It was in­cluded in the ACA as a way to con­trol health care costs, help pay for the law, and ad­dress gov­ern­ment rev­en­ue lost by the tax ex­clu­sion of em­ploy­er-provided health care plans.

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