Donald Trump's saving grace: Televangelists and the prosperity gospel

At a gathering dominated by preachers of the prosperity gospel and media-savvy faith leaders, televangelist Robert Jeffress, pastor of First Baptist Dallas, and Jews for Jesus evangelist Kirt Schneider challenged Trump on his habit of personally attacking rivals and critics.


After some back and forth, Cleveland Pentecostal pastor Darrell Scott got up and defended Trump, saying, “To be quite honest if you tone it down too much, you won’t be you.” Many in the room applauded.

“You do need to refrain somewhat from calling someone a moron or something, but you can’t turn into a milquetoast neither for the sake of winning a vote,” Scott, whose church owns its own radio station and who first met Trump at a similar meeting four years ago, told POLITICO…

As it came to an end, televangelist Paula White said Trump wanted them to pray for him. Trump nodded, and the faith leaders laid hands on him and prayed.

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