Mia Love's surprisingly unsafe 2016 reelection prospects

Love’s situ­ation hasn’t been helped by shift­ing stor­ies over what star­ted as a minor con­tro­versy about $1,160 in tax­pay­er money, put­ting her in the news for the wrong reas­ons.


Love’s of­fice spent that money on air­fare to Wash­ing­ton to at­tend the glitzy White House Cor­res­pond­ents As­so­ci­ation din­ner. It’s not an of­fi­cial event, and at first, Love told The Hill that she traveled to D.C. to hold a strategy meet­ing with her chief of staff and just happened to also at­tend the din­ner. Love ended up re­pay­ing the money to the gov­ern­ment, but her of­fice’s story has shif­ted throughout.

Com­mu­nic­a­tions dir­ect­or Richard Pi­att later told Na­tion­al Journ­al there was no form­al meet­ing or spe­cif­ic time set ahead of time for a meet­ing, and that Love and her staff met in­form­ally throughout the week­end.

Love also ini­tially told The Hill that she ran the trip by the House Eth­ics and Ad­min­is­tra­tion Com­mit­tees. Pi­att said Love didn’t ac­tu­ally get per­mis­sion or guid­ance from either com­mit­tee about her trip.

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