In Rochester, New Hampshire, on Thursday evening, Donald Trump resumed his fight with Carly Fiorina over who is the better corporate titan — only, unlike at Wednesday night’s debate, Fiorina wasn’t there to offer her rebuttal. Fiorina “did a terrible job at Lucent, she did a terrible, terrible, terrible job at Hewlett-Packard,” Trump told the town hall audience. Fiorina’s purchase of Compaq absolutely “destroyed the company, Hewlett-Packard.”
Fiorina was widely judged a big winner of Wednesday’s debate, which appeared to miff Trump as well. “Everyone says she made a good speech yesterday,” he said. “I don’t know — I don’t get it!” He repeated that he doesn’t “get it” two more times, then said that “at some point people are going to see, and I think it’s going to be a very big roadblock.”
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