Finally I got to Calais. I only knew one person who had been to the “jungle” and I think she must have lied to me. She said it was a nice place, but it was hell. It was freezing and I had no tent, no sleeping bag or warm clothes. We were given one meal a day. If you want to stay in France you have to wait there for four months. I would never stay there after the way they treated us. It was the lowest point of my journey.
To get to the UK I attempted to jump on a train, but it was too hard. Seeing people coming back injured after trying was awful. So I went to the port. When the lorries slow down outside, people open the back and jump in: the drivers don’t know you are there. I had tried before, but they always stopped us at the French checkpoint and you have to go back to the jungle and try again. Finally I managed to jump into a lorry with car motors inside. There was very little room and it was very uncomfortable but the lorry had a soft top so I wasn’t worried about suffocating. There were three of us in there. We didn’t make any noise until we reached Dover.
Now I am in the UK I feel safe and happy. Compared to the other places I passed through and the way I was treated it is great. I am waiting to meet a lawyer and get my papers. I want to do a translation course so I can work. My only regret is that my family aren’t here with me. The bombing has got worse since I left and I am very scared for them.
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