“I’ve come to see somebody that’s not scared to say what he thinks, and he thinks like I think,” gushed Joe Smart, a security guard who was at a Trump event in Greenville, S.C., last month. “He’s religious, and from what I hear, he’s going to change the White House back to Christianity. I pray every night that our nation will come back to God.”
It’s all left prominent evangelical leaders in disbelief.
“Trump has made his living as a casino mogul in an industry that preys on the poor and incentivizes immoral and often criminal behavior,” said Dr. Russell Moore, head of the influential Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission.
Moore offered a searingly blunt assessment of the current GOP front-runner in an interview with NPR. “He’s someone who is an unrepentant serial adulterer who has abandoned two wives for other women,” he added. “He’s someone who has spoken in vulgar and harsh terms about women, as well as in ugly and hateful ways about immigrants and other minorities. I don’t think this is someone who represents the values that evangelicals in this country aspire to.”
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