Why is Hollywood going easy on Trump?

Breaking Bad star Bryan Cranston echoed similar sentiments, saying on a Nerdist podcast last month, “There’s something so refreshing about shaking up that world that is all about being handled, and here comes this loose cannon who has terrible ideas and would be a horrible president, but there’s something great about his ‘I-don’t-give-a-shit’ attitude that really kind of keeps others honest.”


People like Redford or Cranston or Wilson aren’t Trump supporters, but the fact that their comments have been misinterpreted as endorsements is yet another bind that censors artists in the public eye.

The film industry relies more and more on data as a means of controlling its losses, but even with numbers on its side, it is still funding flops. Hollywood is risk-averse with good reason—making a film costs too much money and the success of a film affects too many people’s livelihoods for the funding process to be treated cavalierly.

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