Other Bush donors admit to being frustrated that the former Florida governor did not attack Trump sooner. A Bush donor who served in the George W. Bush administration says he is “happy” the super-PAC is finally hammering Trump, but believes Bush may fall victim to his impeccable manners.
“One of the challenges of being a supporter of a guy who’s so thoughtful and analytical is that those of us who are a little more rash and impetuous wish he would’ve acted faster,” he said.
The donor, who spoke anonymously to avoid offending the Bush family, said this was a common view among the Bush supporters he speaks to.
One of Bush’s most generous supporters summed up the general confusion about how to deal with Trump, saying he worried Bush’s campaign and super-PAC would, in effect, be giving a charitable donation to other establishment candidates like Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker if Right to Rise wasted a ton of money attacking Trump.
“Why should they spend their own money to benefit the whole group?” said the major donor, who spoke on condition of anonymity to protect his relationship with the Bushes.
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