The thing: A $3.95 bottle of water mixed with fat, a sweetener and some flavors. The new 20-calorie beverage, called FATwater, was developed by entrepreneur Dave Asprey, creator of the Bulletproof Coffee craze that still has people adding large amounts of butter and oil to their coffee in the hopes of losing weight. FATwater isn’t a weight-loss drink, per se (each bottle contains 2 grams of fat). Rather, the company bills its product as an alternative to sugary coconut waters and energy drinks.
Asprey says he uses a patented process to take purified water and mix in tiny droplets of “Bulletproof XCT Oil”: medium chain triglycerides (MCTs) derived from coconut oil. “The water looks kind of iridescent, pearlescent,” Asprey tells TIME. “It has these tiny, invisible droplets of fat that your body really, really likes.” FATwater can be bought bottled or in a concentrated gel that you mix with water yourself.
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