When the first of the videos became public, many of us hurled anger at safer targets, like the lion-killing dentist. There are plenty of safe targets.
Like mocking stupid remarks made by goofball politicians. I do it. We’re good at mocking. Some of us go through life with tongue perpetually in cheek, using irony as an emotional buffer. There are plenty of web hits in that, and much profit in snark. And, like pre-revolutionary France, ridicule has become our true currency.
We also divert ourselves with sport. We need sport. We love sport. We put sport in our pipes and smoke it, and this fall we’ll lay back on our couches and watch the World Series and the Tom Brady redemption drama and talk about athletes as heroes.
Still, the horrifying videos make something all too clear. What’s going on at Planned Parenthood is barbaric.
And, since Americans fund Planned Parenthood with our tax dollars, avoiding the issue doesn’t really work.
Because the use of our money makes us complicit.
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