On “Fox News Sunday,” former Hewlett-Packard CEO and Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina had a heated debate with the EMILY’s List Vice President Jess McIntosh about the recent undercover videos that exposed Planned Parenthood doctors discussing the price of fetal tissue.
Fiorina said, “This has nothing to do with whether you’re pro-choice or pro-life. This has to do with the moral foundation of our nation. If a woman was sitting outside of Planned Parenthood in her OB-GYN’s office looking at this ultrasound at the same point in her pregnancy, her doctor would say to her look at your baby. Look at its heartbeat. Look at its fingers and toes. Planned Parenthood has lobbied against a woman’s opportunity to look at an ultrasound before she makes an incredibly difficult choice to end the unborn life within her. And yet they are using that same technology to harvest body parts, which they claim are not a life, in order to sell them to save another life. It’s unbelievably hypocritical and I find it astounding that anyone can defend it.”
When McIntosh brought up the videos were edited Fiorina said, “I find it fascinating that Planned Parenthood, EMILY’s List and the rest of the pro-abortion lobby are now suddenly so concerned about a heavily edited video. I don’t recall them ever being concerned about a heavily edited video of Mitt Romney at a fund-raiser. I don’t remember them being concerned about Edward Snowden. We’ve had a lot of things where information has come out that we needed to see. So instead of going after the people who have put out this video information we clearly need to see, let’s talk about the issue here. Of course they’re trying to change the subject. Of course they’re trying to say this is life saving research. I find it amazing that this group of pro-abortion lobbyists continue to say that they are protecting women’s health. Really? late-term abortion is bad for women’s health. They continue to lobby against parental notification. Really? It’s protecting a teenager’s health that she can go to a tanning salon or a tattoo with her mother’s permission but get an abortion without her mother’s permission? This is not about someone else’s health. This is about a woman’s health. A woman’s opportunity to have all of the choices in front of her and it’s about a life that she is bearing.”
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