Trump crowds out second-tier GOP presidential candidates

Candidates who have years of political accomplishment to their names are being starved of oxygen by the business tycoon. Former Texas Gov. Rick Perry, three-term Sen. Lindsey Graham (S.C.) and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie are among the figures being sidelined by Trump — and their annoyance is bubbling to the surface…


Earlier this month, Huckabee told CNN he was more interested in discussing his own views on immigration than “getting in this battle of ‘are we with Trump or against Trump?’ ”

Candidates such as Huckabee desperately need media attention if they are to ascend to the top tier of candidates alongside Bush, Walker and Rubio. And that is less likely, experts say, as long as Trump commands center stage.

“News resources are allocated to where news is likely to happen — and that means to Trump, because he is likely to say something outrageous,” said Cal Jillson, a professor of political science at Southern Methodist University. “He soaks up press assets, both in terms of attention and in terms of column inches in the newspapers.”

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