Hillary Clinton, the fightingest fighter in the fight

Apparently Clinton thought the Four Fights motif would work with the Four Freedoms the park was built to commemorate, even though the Four Fights and the Four Freedoms are quite different things. (In the 1941 Four Freedoms speech, given with the nation on the brink of war with totalitarian forces, Roosevelt said that “we look forward to a world founded upon four essential human freedoms … freedom of speech and expression … freedom of every person to worship God in his own way … freedom from want … [and] freedom from fear.”)


Whatever the differences between 1941 and 2015, Clinton decided that the Four Fights, which would be waged mostly with Republicans, would be the centerpiece of her speech and campaign. “She wrote this speech herself,” Clinton spokesman Brian Fallon told CNN after the event. “This was very personal.”

It’s not clear whether Clinton’s characterization of herself as a fighter will resonate with voters. The last time she ran for president, in the most intense days of her Democratic primary battle with Barack Obama, Clinton did the same “fighter” thing, and it didn’t work.

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