So, luckily for Republicans, their likely opponent, Hillary Clinton, is about as un-hip as a candidate can get. The pantsuit-wearing, 67-year-old grandmother comes off as stuffy and unapproachable. She hardly has the suave people skills of President Obama — or any president of the past few decades. A couple of weeks ago, for example, the former secretary of state seemed to brush off an eager autograph seeker coldly, telling her to “go to the back of the line.” Combine that with her contemptuous attitude toward the press and we don’t exactly have the kind of breezy, relaxed attitude of a candidate young voters could picture themselves hanging out with. Even her campaign branding so far — her logo, her website — have been a far cry from Obama’s widely praised style.
Still, Clinton will have the powerful mainstream media on her side. So for the GOP to dominate in the arena of cool, Republicans must proactively show they can identify with and relate to young voters. The trick is to do this without seeming like they’re trying too hard — remember Al Gore? They have to appear effortlessly hip.
But creating a cool brand doesn’t have to be too hard.
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