Look, I realize this is going to piss off those of you who already live in a perpetual state of pissed-offedness, but if an alcoholic told you that his authentic self was to drink, you would not encourage that. If a person told you his authentic self was to be attracted to small boys, you would not encourage that. If a person told you that his authentic self was to mutilate his body, you would not encourage that.
When a sixty-five year old former Olympian tells you that he has decided after all these years that he is a she and his new name is going to be one fashionable among 17 year old girls and his own son’s girlfriend, you’re first reaction should not be to congratulate the man on finally finding his “authentic self”, but steering him to therapy.
This is nuts and oh by the way Bruce Jenner still has his. An authentic self does not seek surgery and hormone therapy.
He is not a she. It is not bigotted to point that out. It is the reality. We need to show Bruce Jenner compassion for his mental issues, not celebrate those issues. But we live in a society where up is down, bad is good, and normal is so passé.
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