Jeb Bush avoids saying he would overturn Obama's executive amnesty

“I think the Supreme Court’s going to overturn ’em,” the former Florida Governor said CBS’s “Face the Nation,” according to a transcript provided by the network. “I think it’s unconstitutional. … The simple fact is, he doesn’t have the authority to do what he did.  He knows that and he’s doing this for political purposes; to create a wedge for Democrats to win elections, I think.”


Bush had suggested earlier this month in an interview with Fox News’s Megyn Kelly that he might repeal the action, though not immediately, if he were to be elected. Pressed to answer on Sunday, Bush tried to steer the conversation toward fixing the immigration system as a whole. The apparent change of course illustrates the fine line Bush is walking in trying to square his more liberal immigration views with those of conservative Republicans. It follows a U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals finding this month in favor of 26 states that sought to block the president’s executive action. 

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