Ann Coulter's immigration flamethrowing gives the left exactly what they want

In my view Coulter is a very nice and smart — if not also slightly odd — person. Of course the perception of her in the media, especially on the left, is that she is the spawn of the Satan. Having her debut her new book by decrying the “browning” of America, comparing Mexicans to ISIS, and refusing the awkward offer of a hug from an immigrant on television, is obviously not going to change that (though, to be clear, I basically agree with her on the broader issue of illegal immigration).


A second thing Coulter’s week illustrates regarding what most people don’t understand about our public dialogue is that it is all only a game and, at its core, just a business. This is where Coulter is both at her best and worst; and why I have both respect and disdain for what she does.

Some in the public seem to still naively think that the goal of political commentators is to change minds and promote electoral victories for their side. However, nothing could be further from the truth and Ann Coulter is exhibit A of this reality.

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