OK, so first off that answers the question of why Bob Dole was in the picture. He’s not. It’s actually Ulriksen’s attempt at a Mike Huckabee. He’s reading a Bible. Do you get it? Do you get it? Oh how the readers on the Upper East Side laughed and laughed when they saw that. Anyway, how did The New Yorker pick these seven candidates? It certainly wasn’t which seven had the most popular support thus far, at least based on the Real Clear Politics average. That would have included Ben Carson and not Chris Christie. And the magazine already noted that it wasn’t who had actually announced their candidacy. That includes Carly Fiorina, the only female in the GOP race. They didn’t include people who have actually won primaries before, such as Rick Santorum, who finished in second place for the GOP nomination in 2012. Now maybe Ulriksen, et New Yorker al., really have their fingers on the pulse of the average GOP voter. Maybe they’re totally right that Chris Christie is a contender and Rick Perry, the long-term and very successful governor of the 2nd largest state in the union, is not. Maybe The New Yorker is totally right that Mike Huckabee has more to offer the GOP voters than Bobby Jindal, the governor of Louisiana.
Latest New Yorker cover erases women, minorities from GOP's 2016 fold
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