The GOP candidates most likely to be left out of the debates

And you know where that gets us? Perry is ninth at 2.4 percent, and there is a tie for the 10th spot between Kasich and Santorum at 2 percent. In other words, there could be 11 candidates debating instead of 10. (Fox has said the debate could include more than 10 participants in the case of a tie.) Bobby Jindal and Lindsey Graham come close at 1.2 percent. Fiorina ends up dead last at 1 percent.


But there’s another wrinkle: It’s possible Fox News will only allow for one poll from each pollster in order to ensure that none floods the zone. In that case, the April Fox News poll is out and a Monmouth University poll started on March 30 is in. In this average, Perry is still ninth, but Santorum squeaks past Kasich. I can hear the Kasich camp screaming right now.

In terms of CNN’s consolation debate, Fiorina, Jindal and either Kasich or Santorum will likely take part since they are at or above 1 percent in the polling averages. Fiorina, as I mentioned, is close to falling below the 1 percent threshold, according to the average of the five live-interview polls. Graham is at 1 percent in most averages, though he’s at only 0.6 percent in the Pollster aggregate.

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