Focus group: Iowa Republicans are worried about Jeb Bush's viability

Instead, they said Bush’s loyalty to his brother, former President George W. Bush, and his stumbles in saying whether he would have invaded Iraq may weaken his chances for the nomination as well as his ability to beat Hillary Clinton if she is the Democrats’ 2016 nominee.


“Our country’s a country and I think it should be run like a business—and I don’t think it should be run like a family business,” said Lucy, 68, a retired saleswoman. “I just think he seems to follow a little bit into his brother’s footsteps, he’s not anywhere near as charismatic as the dad, and that’s too bad.” She also described Jeb Bush as “too laid back.”

Several participants indicated that they would prefer a candidate who appeals to younger voters and represents the future. The participants—five men and five women—also suggested that they would be open to considering candidates with limited foreign policy or governing experience if they had significant accomplishments elsewhere and demonstrated leadership and the ability to surround themselves with experienced advisers.

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