Why are so many Americans criminals?

No wonder America’s prison population is out of control. Americans aren’t addicted to crime; our politicians are addicted to criminalizing things.

Sadly, the criminalization of Americans also traps them in poverty. According to the Pew Charitable Trusts, incarceration leads to reduced wages (11% drop), employment (nine weeks lost annually), and earnings overall (40% annually). Making matters worse, over half of new prisoners are at or below the poverty line and three-quarters of former prisoners are sent back to jail within five years of their release.


The deck is stacked against my generation in particular. Young adults are 10% of the population yet comprise 29% of the country’s arrests. Young African-Americans are particularly at risk: They’re 15 times more likely to be in prison than whites. No wonder 18-to-29-year-olds have the lowest level of trust of any age group that our justice system treats everyone equally.

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