"Now it's more or less foolproof. It makes a great bisque every time."

But don’t give away all your cookbooks just yet. The robot chef costs about $15,000. And while Moley says the robot will be able to prepare 2,000 dishes by the time the company starts selling it to the public, right now, it seems, the bot’s repertoire is limited to soup.


And Anderson isn’t worried about his job security, because he doesn’t think the robot will replace professional chefs. Not yet, at least. “I’m just not sure it will ever get to the same cooking capabilities that a human has,” he says. “It’s very, very difficult for the robot to deal with inconsistencies in ingredients, and also, the robot has no creative capabilities.”

Not to mention its lack of senses: The robot can’t taste or smell — both critical abilities when it comes to cooking. “It can’t really understand flavors,” Anderson says, “which means it can never really put together a dish of its own.”

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