Actually, Hillary's campaign launch has been sneakily brilliant

Take Hillary’s road trip to Iowa in the van nicknamed Scooby. The press lampooned her, but I would bet that for many others, her unscripted and anonymous stop at Chipotle reinforced the “everyday Americans” campaign theme. Hillary stood in line to order, an everyday customer among everyday people at an everyday fast-food chain.


Also introduced last week was what will come to be the single most-ubiquitous element of her campaign: Clinton’s new and controversial campaign logo. It is a brilliant, iconic expression of the emotional connection she wants people to have with her, her message and her movement. In fact, her logo is all about movement.

Simple, confident, high tech and shorthand to a much younger set of voters, the bold red arrow moving left to right in front of the strong blue H says it all: You are the important ones. I’m here to support you with everything I’ve got. Let me help you move forward.

Taken together, all the pieces of Clinton’s announcement — as well as the unconventional media she used to deliver them — bring her back on stage not as a leader from yesterday but, surprisingly, as one for the future.

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