We've just taken a big step toward a safer Iran

Iran would quickly implement, and eventually ratify, the Additional Protocol to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) safeguards agreement. The Additional Protocol allows inspections and sampling at both declared nuclear facilities, such as Natanz, Fordow and Arak, and undeclared sites at which out-of-bounds activities are suspected. The IAEA would also be allowed to use advanced technologies to enhance continuous monitoring.


This agreement is not for 10, 15 or 20 years; it is a phased agreement built for the long term. And if Iran earns the international community’s confidence in its peaceful objectives over this extended period, then the constraints will ease in phases, though its obligations under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and the Additional Protocol would remain in place indefinitely.

Since the parameters were announced, there have been reports of differences between the fact sheets put out by the United States and Iran. It is not surprising that Iran seeks to frame the debate over certain parts of the framework, but the parameters remain the same. And over the next few months, the United States and its negotiating partners will continue to work toward a formal agreement with Iran.

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