Recall how Paul won his first political race: Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell had handpicked Secretary of State Trey Grayson for Kentucky’s open Senate seat in 2010. Eighteen Republican senators funded Grayson in the primary. Only one funded Paul. Grayson raised half a million dollars from PACs in the primary — 20 times what Paul raised from them. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce endorsed Grayson in the primary. Paul attacked Grayson for the “AIG Lobbyists” who threw fundraisers for him, which were swarming with lobbyists.
This was the K Street/GOP Machine. Rand Paul demolished it, beating Grayson by 23 points. That victory, on May 18, 2010, was the day the dam broke in the Tea Party flood.
Since he’s come to Washington, it’s been the same story: Rand Paul against the machine.
His voting record makes it obvious. Paul has the second-highest lifetime Senate score with the pro-free-enterprise Club for Growth — 98 percent, behind only Mike Lee of Utah. Check the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s most recent voting scorecard, and it’s the opposite story: Only one Republican Senator has a lower lifetime rating than Paul — Ted Cruz.
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