Iran's leaders begin tricky task of selling nuclear deal at home

As details of the framework agreement were sifted here, however, the outlines of the deal came in for immediate criticism for what hard-liners called overly deep concessions by Iran.


“We should say in a word that we gave a saddled horse and received a torn bridle,” the semiofficial news agency Fars quoted Hossein Shariatmadari, a vocal hard-liner who is editor in chief of the state newspaper Kayhan, as saying on Friday.

After finding out that Iran would only be allowed to have about 5,000 centrifuges, according to a fact sheet released by the State Department, Alireza Mataji, a 26-year-old student who has been allowed to organize events critical of the negotiations, posted on Twitter: “We will have just enough centrifuges left to make carrot juice.”…

“No matter how we try to sugarcoat it,” Mr. Laylaz added, “this means we no longer will have an industrial-scale enrichment program. This is the price we have to pay for earlier mistakes.”

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