Eric Holder: Probably not a huge racial component in GOP's Loretta Lynch holdup

“My guess is that there is probably not a huge racial component to this, that this is really just D.C. politics, Washington at its worst. A battle about something that is not connected to this nominee—holding up this nominee. I think that’s the main driver here.”


Holder also commented on the ongoing investigation surrounding the discovery of a black man hanging from a tree in Mississippi. The local NAACP has identified the man as Otis Byrd, 54, but the rest of the case remains shrouded in mystery.

“The FBI, the civil rights division, the U.S. attorney for the southern district of Mississippi are looking into the matter to determine if there are any federal violations of law that occurred,” Holder told MSNBC. “If it’s a potential hate crime –- we simply don’t know enough facts, we’re still in the process of trying to gather those facts, but we do have a substantial federal presence to determine what the facts are.”

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