Wikipedia’s censorship campaign only brought more attention to the issue of Neil Tyson’s quote fabrications. The readership of our series of articles on Tyson dwarfs that of any single Wiki page by many, many orders of magnitude. In my opinion, the censorship campaign is important because it highlights how the progressive Left acts when challenged. Revise, don’t report. Erase, don’t acknowledge. Delete, don’t debate. The whole episode perfectly demonstrated that the so-called reality-based community is at war with reality.
This attempt to completely eliminate any mention whatsoever of The Federalist on Wikipedia is laughable and beyond pathetic, but it’s exactly what you’d expect from a group of delusional dimwits who have convinced themselves that justice consists entirely of just hitting the delete key over and over again. It’s cute when toddlers close their eyes and believe that nobody can see them, but when adults do it, it’s just sad.
But keep it up, Wikipedia. Keep up the fiction that if you just burn enough books, all will be made well.
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