Much like the administration, it seems the private sector is free to interpret the law in a way it feels comfortable. Certainly you can imagine the shrieking hysteria we’d have live through if a government accountability report found 18 insurance companies in 28 states had determined on their own to, say, stop providing mandated contraception coverage through ACA? A person might end up in front of the Supreme Court. Yet, alleged ignorance of the law and blatant avoidance of the provisions companies don’t care to follow was greeted with only muted headlines. By the time it’s over, the entire incident will be covered as if it were a partisan nitpick by the GOP. That’s the way these things go.
So don’t mention the pervasiveness lawlessness in DC. So dramatic, right? Don’t mention that the president has broken a promise that was specifically made to the American people in an attempt to pressure/assure/scam certain Senators and House member to pass ACA. “And one more misunderstanding I want to clear up — under our plan, no federal dollars will be used to fund abortions, and federal conscience laws will remain in place,” he claimed in 2009. It also breaks the useless executive order Obama issued to provide cover for the dwindling faction of pro-life Democrats.
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