Michael Brown shooting: Is new video a 'game changer'?

An exclusive video first broadcast Wednesday on CNN shows two construction workers’ reactions just after a police officer shot the unarmed African-American 18-year-old last month in Ferguson, Missouri. The contractors shown in the short video clip told CNN they saw Brown with his hands up as Officer Darren Wilson pursued him and opened fire…


This isn’t the first time we’ve heard witnesses say Brown’s hands were up. When eyewitnesses’ accounts coincide, that’s a key part of building a case for prosecutors, said Sunny Hostin, a CNN legal analyst and former federal prosecutor.

“They’re saying that he was running from the police officer and that his hands were up,” she said. “I don’t know what other witness testimony at this point or account we have to hear. The bottom line is having your hands up is the universal sign for surrender.”

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